
In order to enrol in the Southern Wings New Zealand flight school, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be at least 18.
  2. Complete the ADAPT pilot prescreening tool on the NZ Skills Connect website  Follow the aviation link to complete the pilot pre-screening test.  You need to score “Average” or above.  A grade of “Below Average” will only be acceptable in individually assessed special circumstances.
  3. Some experience of being around aircraft, or provides evidence of self motivated efforts to educate themselves about aircraft and the profession of being a pilot.
  4. NCEA Level 3 Certificate (or equivalent) with;
    • At least 14 Level 3 credits in an English rich subject, and
    • At least 14 Level 3 credits in a numbers orientated subject


    • A trade qualification of Level 4 or above


    • A pass in all NZ PPL subjects gained over a period of no more than 42 days where;
      1. No more than two subjects have been failed,
      2. No one subject has been failed more then twice
  5. A New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority Medical Certificate, Class 1.
  6. As CAA fit and proper person status applies students are required to produce a character reference and two referees, produce a criminal record history from the Ministry of Justice and a Land Transport offence history from Land Transport New Zealand. An up to date criminal conviction report showing a conviction free period of at least three years prior to the date on which training will commence and no more that one conviction for drink driving. This is available form the Ministry of Justice and can take up to 4 weeks. If you have lived overseas within a 5 year period for more than 6 months you will be required to provide criminal history information from that country.
    An up tp date Demerit Points and Suspension History Report (Traffic Offence History) showing a maximum of 75 demerit points within the three years immediately prior to the date on which training will commence. This is available from Land Transport New Zealand. If you have lived overseas within a 5 year period for more than 6 months you will be required to provide transport history information from that country.
  7. A copy of your Curriculum Vitae

Selection Interview Criteria

As a signatory to the New Zealand Aviation Industry Association Incorporated Flight Training Code of Practice. The interview must show that candidates demonstrate;

  1. A genuine interest in an aviation career which must include a written statement by the candidate.
  2. Appropriate information from background checks, character references and/or referees statements.
  3. Above average communication skills with emphasis on being a member of a team.
  4. A positive and open attitude to learning.
  5. Self motivation and self awareness.
  6. A person of sound judgement who is able to demonstrate clear decision making skills.
  7. Responsibility and maturity.
  8. Leadership potential.